Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Tips for Mystery Writer to Understand Mystery Genre

If you are a mystery writer interested in top selling mystery writing inspirations, look no further than Medialaze. Being an aspiring mystery writer, you may wonder what makes an ordinary story so mysterious and what the important elements of mystery genre are. In a mystery, certain things are hidden about the characters. The terms detective fiction and mystery are interchangeable, while detective fiction often refers to murder mysteries. The Whodunit, one of the most popular and top selling mystery stories, where a murder is committed and the characters grapple to solve the mystery.

To get you started with the mystery, think about the following things:
  • Think about the mysterious acts you have seen or read in modern novels, television shows, classic stories, movies and dramas. Note down everything that comes to your mind.
  • Find out the common elements in all those mysteries.
  1. Was it a crime or murder? Who was solving the mystery, an amateur or a professional? Did they have any interest associated with solving it – such as revenge or money?
  2. When did the crime brought to light and how it solved?
  • How predictable were the mystery outcomes?
Thinking about these questions will help you form your own ideas about the mystery genre. Always remember to follow your instincts. Reading the best mystery novels and making notes on why and how they are impressive is a good practice to get started. What are you waiting for? Explore the top mystery novels at Medialaze.

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