Friday, 26 April 2019

Researching your family tree: Some useful tips

Researching your family tree can be a daunting, yet ultimately rewarding process. Digging into your families past can unearth some fascinating stories but how do you go about it? Here are a few tips to get your start in your genealogical quest.

Start with the here and now

It may sound pretty obvious, but take the present day as your starting point and work backward from there. Use what you do know to find out what you do. As you go back a generation, you will gradually find the holes in your research that need to be filled.

Talk to ask many family members as you can

Some people may not be able to remember exact times and dates, but they may be able to help point you in the right direction. Find out if people were known by other names if there was something noteworthy about them which may lead on to something else. Even amusing stories or memories which seem pretty superficial or unimportant can contain valuable nuggets of information and can place a person at a certain time and place.

Write it all down

It’s important to make a note of everything you find out as you don’t know when some piece of information is going to come in handy. Trying to recall some detail from memory alone will be almost impossible so it’s much better to write everything down.

Check out official documents

Finding out about relatives from 100 years may seem daunting, but there is a good chance their name might crop up in official documents somewhere. Check census records, military records or if they were a member of a professional organization or trade Union.

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