Thursday 20 April 2017

3 Ways You Could Be Dooming Your eBook

As an eBook author, when your book is up on sites like Medialaze, the scope of your work's visibility is enhanced. Medialaze commands a huge number of subscribers thanks to their exclusive features, which gives eBook authors many advantages to have their books on this site.

However, many authors inadvertently end up sabotaging their books on account of certain mistakes they make.

Here is a list of things you might be doing that could doom your novel.

Feeding your doubts

Listening to your inner critic is a good idea. However, pondering on those doubts long and hard will only keep pushing you back, rather than helping you spring forward. And, sometimes, the doubts could also turn into fears. So, it is important for you to learn when to listen to your inner critic and when to squash the fears.

Carrying a chip on your shoulder

This is a surefire way to not only turn your readers off, but also scuttle your career. Treating rejection as a personal insult or ignoring what your editors have to say can backfire on you. You need to treat it as a process, wallow in it a bit, if you may, and attempt to make good on the lesson learned.

Writing merely to sell

While it is okay for authors to seek money and fame, they should not become the sole foundation of your craft. Writers become market conscious as they have to appeal to the editors and publishers. However, readers are looking for the author's heart and passion carried through in the writing.

Medialaze offers their subscribers features that enable them to access their favorite books, something to suit their mood anytime.

1 comment:

  1. It's very important to write our eBook engaging without mistakes. I'm sure many authors make small mistakes. This points will help them to avoid this mistakes. Thanks for sharing such information.
